三首考曲: 由下列A,B,C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分) A 組
B 組
音階與琶音:from memory: SCALES: (i) in similar motion with hands
together one octave apart, in the following keys (minors in melodic or
harmonic form at candidate's choice): C, G, D, A, E, B, F, B flat, E
flat, A flat majors (three octaves) (ii) in contrary motion with both hands beginning and
ending on the key-note (unison), in the major keys of C, E and E flat (two
octaves) CHROMATIC
SCALES: beginning on any note named by the examiner, with each hand
separately (three octaves) ARPEGGIOS: the
major and minor common chords of C, G, D, A, E, B and F, in root position
only, with each hand separately (three octaves). Playing at Sight and Figured Bass Realization: candidates will be
required to play a short piece at sight in simple time in the key of C, G, D,
A, E, F, B flat or E flat major, or A, E, B, D, G or C minor (See General
Regulations for Harpsichord), and also to realize a short progression of
five or six chords over a given bass line, in the key of C, G or F major,
which may include the:
chord on the first to sixth
degrees of the scale, and the:
聽力測驗: 請參閱聽力測驗第五級 |
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