


此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)


Scales (Published by the Board): from memory:


(i) major and minor (melodic or harmonic at candidate's choice) with each hand separately and hands together in similar motion one octave apart, in the following keys:

C, G, D, A, E, F majors (two octaves)
A, E, D minors (one octave or two, at candidate's choice)

(ii) Chromatic: beginning on D, with each hand separately (one octave)

三首考曲: 由下列A,B,C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分)


  1. Anon. Estampie (from Robertsbridge Codex).
    No.1 from Organum Antiquum (Doblinger 787-Kalmus/M.D.S.
  2. Anon. Bel fiore danca (from Faenza Codex).
    No.5 from Organum Antiquum (Doblinger 787-Kalmus/M.D.S.
  3. Corrette Tambourin sur un Noel Provencal.
    Easy Graded Organ Music, Book 1, ed. Trevor and Gower (O.U.P.)
  4. Eberlin Finale, from Tonus Quintus in '65 Vor- und Nachspiele', Vol 2
    (Doblinger 569 - Kalmus/M.D.S.)
  5. Lebegue Magnificat du 5e Ton: 4th movt, Duo du 5e.
    Lebègue Complete Organ Works, Vol. 2 (Edwin Kalmus 4155/Maecenas Europe)
  6. Pachelbel Fugue in C
    A Graded Anthology for Organ, Book 2, ed. Marsden Thomas (Cramer)
  7. Telemann Chorale Prelude ‘Vater unser im Himmelreich’ (TWV 31:2)
    A Graded Anthology for Organ, Book 2, ed. Marsden Thomas (Cramer)
  8. Zipoli Verso no.3 in C or Verso no.3 in F.
    Zipoli Organ Works (Süddeutscher Musikverlag/Bärenreiter)


  1. Battmann Piece in D minor.
    Page 85 from David Sanger Play the Organ I (Novello/Music Sales)
  2. Beethoven Trio only, from Allegretto: no.3 from ? Pieces for Flute Clock? WoO 33 (Peters P-9617)
  3. Haydn Menuett in F, Hob.XIX/5.
    Haydn Pieces for Musical Clock (Associated Board)
  4. Mozart Thema in C, K.Anh.38 (K.383c)
    A Graded Anthology for Organ, Book 2, ed. Marsden Thomas (Cramer)
  5. Stanley Trumpet Voluntary in D
    A Graded Anthology for Organ, Book 2, ed. Marsden Thomas (Cramer)
  6. Rene Vierne Interlude no.1 in A minor (from ‘Les Vepres de Paques’)
    A Graded Anthology for Organ, Book 2, ed. Marsden Thomas (Cramer)
  7. J.G. Walther Chorale 'Warum sollt ich mich denn gramen’ (Barenreiter 379044)


  1. Jehan Alain Complainte a la mode ancienne: no.1 from ' 5 Pieces Faciles '
  2. Augustinus Franz Kropfreiter Canonic Variations ‘Jesus, meine Zuversicht? variations 1 and 2 or 1 and 3
    (Doblinger 2355-Kalmus/M.D.S.)
  3. Jean Langlais Petit Piece (Verset no.3 from’12 Petites Pieces?
    A Graded Anthology for Organ, Book 2, ed. Marsden Thomas (Cramer)
  4. Flor Peeters Praeludium (from ‘Praeludium and Hymn’ Op.90)
    A Graded Anthology for Organ, Book 2, ed. Marsden Thomas (Cramer)
  5. Helmut Walcha Chorale Prelude ‘Zu Bethlehem geboren’ A Graded Anthology for Organ, Book 2, ed. Marsden Thomas (Cramer)
  6. Alan Ridout Chant: no.2 from 'Preludes, Interludes and Postludes’(Kevin Mayhew)

Playing at Sight a short piece in simple time for manuals only within the keys, notes and overall range of the scale requirements set for this Grade. Some accidentals, dotted and tied notes may be included. See General Regulations for Organ.



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