

¦¹ºô­¶¤º®e¶È¨Ñ°Ñ¦Ò, ¥¿¦¡¤º®e½Ð¨£­ì¤å¦Ò¸Õ¤º®eºK­n(syllabus)



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1. Anon. Marsch in F, arr. Kretschmann upper part DUET
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GDuets for Fun: Descant Recorder (Schott)

2. Byrd Wolsey¡¦s Wilde, arr. Yeo
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B1¡GRenaissance Recorder Anthology for Soprano (Descant) Recorder, Vol. 2 (Schott)

3. Elizabeth Cooper Cheeky Sparrow (No. 8 from The Woodpecker and Friends) SOLO/PIANO
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GThe Really Easy Recorder Book (Faber)

4. van Eyck Janneman en Alemoer (from Der Fluyten
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GDuets for Fun: Descant Recorder (Schott)

5. van Eyck Philis schoon Herderinne (met 2) (from DerFluyten Lust-hof) theme only;upper part DUET
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡Gvan Eyck: Der Fluyten Lust-hof, Vol. 2 (XYZ or Amadeus)

6. Gossec Tambourin, arr. Griffiths
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GWorld Famous Classics for Recorder (Fentone)

7. Handel Bourree (from The Fireworks Music), arr. Lawrance
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GEasy Winners for Descant Recorder (Brass Wind)

8. Prokofiev March (No. 10 from Musiques d¡¦enfants, Op. 65), arr. Bennetts & Bowman
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GTime Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Vol. 1(ABRSM)

9.Susato Basse danse bergeret (from Musyck Boexken), arr. Bullard
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B ¡GTime Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Vol. 1(ABRSM)

10. Telemann Presto, arr. Kostujak
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GBaroque Recorder Anthology for Soprano Recorder, Vol. 2(Schott)


1. Paolo Conte At Sunset, arr. Adams
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GFirst Repertoire for Descant Recorder (Faber)

2. Haydn Pastorale (1st movt from Partie), arr. Bergmann
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GFirst Repertoire for Descant Recorder (Faber)

3. Gluck Aria (from Orfeo ed Euridice), arr. Lawrance
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GWinner Scores All for Descant Recorder (Brass Wind)

4. Andrew Lloyd Webber The Music of the Night (from Phantom of the Opera), arr. Lawrance
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GWinner Scores All for Descant Recorder (Brass Wind)

5. Peter Hope Bonny at Morn (No. 2 from Geordie Tunes)
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GPeter Hope: Geordie Tunes (Forsyth)

6. Bryan Kelly Lament (No. 5 from Globe Theatre Suite)
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GBryan Kelly: Globe Theatre Suite (Stainer & Bell)

7. Rainer Lischka Marianne and the Blue Notes (from In a Groovy Mood)
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GRainer Lischka: In a Groovy Mood (Girolamo Musikverlag)

8. Sasha Johnson Manning Asleep in a Boat (No. 4 from A Birthday Garland)
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GSasha Johnson Manning: A Birthday Garland (Forsyth)

9.Trad. Irish The Londonderry Air, arr. A. & J. Oosthuizen upper part DUET
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B1¡GEasy Duets from Around the World for Descant(Soprano)
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B2¡GRecorders (Wild Music Publications)

10. Sarah Watts So There (from Razzamajazz Duets and Trios for Recorder) upper part MIXED DUET
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GSarah Watts: Razzamajazz Duets and Trios for Recorder (Kevin Mayhew)


1. L. Bernstein America (from West Side Story), arr. Lawrance
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GWinner Scores All for Descant Recorder (Brass Wind)

2. Tchaikovsky Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy (from The Nutcracker), arr. Lawrance
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GWinner Scores All for Descant Recorder (Brass Wind)

3. Douglas Coombes Gimcracke (from Music for a Cartoon)
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GDouglas Coombes: Music for a Cartoon (Brass Wind)

4. Doris da Costa Birdsong
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GDescant Recorder Medley, Book 2 (Cramer)

5. Alan Davis Pentacle upper part MIXED DUET
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GA Journey from the Middle Ages to the Present Day (Barenreiter Praha)

¡6. Dave Gale Stop and Guiro (from JazzFX for Descant Recorder) upper part DUET/SOLO
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GDave Gale: JazzFX for Descant Recorder (Brass Wind)

7. Alan Haughton Seven Seas Hornpipe (from Fun Club for Descant Recorder, Grade 2¡V3)
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GAlan Haughton: Fun Club for Descant Recorder,Grade 2¡V3: Student Copy (Kevin Mayhew)

8. Playford ¡¦Twas within a Furlong of Edinburgh Town SOLO
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GNo. 23 from 50 Graded Studies for Recorder (Faber)

9.Russell-Smith Warm and Cosy (from Easy Blue Recorder)
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GRussell-Smith: Easy Blue Recorder (Universal)

10. Sarah Watts Study in Orange (from Fresh Air for Descant Recorder) SOLO
¡@«Øij¼ÖÃÐ¥X³B¡GSarah Watts: Fresh Air for Descant Recorder (Kevin Mayhew)

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¹q¸Ü: (02)2375-1768 / (02)2375-1730 ¶Ç¯u: (02)2375-1814
E-mail: abtaiwan@ms23.hinet.net