
2018-2021年 長笛第六級考試內容與規則

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  1. attrib. Gossec Tambourin
    建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces 2018–2021, Grade 6 (ABRSM)

  2. Locatelli Allegro (2nd movt from Sonata in G minor, Op. 2 No. 6)
    建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces 2018–2021, Grade 6 (ABRSM)

  3. Quantz Adagio and Allegro (1st and 2nd movts from Sonata in D, QV 1:49)
    建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces 2018–2021, Grade 6 (ABRSM)

  4. J. S. Bach Polonaise and Double (5th movt from Suite in B minor, BWV 1067)
    J. S. Bach: Suite No. 2 in B minor, BWV 1067 (Peters) or
    J. S. Bach: Overture (Orchestral Suite) in B minor,BWV 1067 (Barenreiter)

  5. Drouet Allegro moderato (1st movt from Sonata No. 2 in A minor)
    Drouet: Three Little Sonatas (Schott)

  6. Handel Allegro (2nd movt from Sonata in G, HWV 363b, Op. 1 No. 5)
    建議樂譜出處:Handel: 11 Sonatas for Flute (Barenreiter) or Handel: Flute Sonatas, Vol. 1 (Emerson)

  7. Rabboni (& Vignoles) Sonata No. 8 in C
    Rabboni: Sonatas for Flute and Piano, Book 1 (Kevin Mayhew)

  8. Stanley Adagio and Gigg: Vivace (1st and 3rd movts from Solo in B minor, Op. 4 No. 4)
    建議樂譜出處:Stanley: Six Solos for a German Flute, Op. 4 (Chester)

  9. Telemann Air a l’Italien (3rd movt from Suite in A minor,TWV 55:a2),arr. Salter omitting DC
    建議樂譜出處:Telemann: Suite in A minor (Peters)

  10. Vivaldi Allegro (1st movt from Concerto in D, RV 783) flute to play in tuttis
    建議樂譜出處: Vivaldi: Concerto in D, RV 783 (Barenreiter)


  1. Andersen Scherzino, Op. 55 No. 6
    建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces 2018–2021, Grade 6 (ABRSM)

  2. Chopin Nocturne in E-, Op. 9 No. 2, arr. Blackwell
    建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces 2018–2021, Grade 6 (ABRSM)

  3. Paul Hart City Life 2 (No. 2 from City Life)
    建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces 2018–2021, Grade 6 (ABRSM)

  4. John Frith Arabesque observing cadenza
    建議樂譜出處:John Frith: Arabesque (Emerson)

  5. Gaubert Madrigal
    建議樂譜出處:Gaubert: Madrigal (Enoch or IMC)

  6. Grovlez La sarabande (No. 3 from L’Almanach aux images), trans. Tanner
    建議樂譜出處:Grovlez: L’Almanach aux images (Spartan Press)

  7. Harbach & Kern Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (from Roberta), arr. Iveson
    建議樂譜出處:Let’s Face the Music for Flute (Brass Wind)

  8. Bryan Kelly Prelude francais observing repeat
    建議樂譜出處:New Pieces for Flute, Book 2 (ABRSM)

  9. Paul Lewis Lullaby for Laura (No. 1 from Pictures of Childhood)
    建議樂譜出處:Paul Lewis: Pictures of Childhood (Broadbent & Dunn)

  10. Andy Scott And Everything is Still…
    建議樂譜出處:Andy Scott: And Everything is Still… for Flute (Astute Music)


  1. E. Kohler Hand In Hand (No. 12 from 25 romantische Etuden, Op. 66)
    建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces 2018–2021, Grade 6 (ABRSM)

  2. Richard Michael Twisted Tango
    建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces 2018–2021, Grade 6 (ABRSM)

  3. A. Stamitz Rondeau (from Caprice de flute en forme de sonate)
    建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces 2018–2021, Grade 6 (ABRSM)

  4. Bizet, arr. Hunt Entr’acte (from Fantasia on Carmen)
    建議樂譜出處:A Bizet Notebook for Solo Flute (Spartan Press)

  5. Alan Bullard Blue Flute or Comical Flute (No. 32 or No. 35 from Fifty for Flute, Book 2)
    建議樂譜出處:Alan Bullard: Fifty for Flute, Book 2 (ABRSM)

  6. Cavallini Theme and Variation
    建議樂譜出處:No. 59 from More Graded Studies for Flute, Book 2 (Faber)

  7. Oliver Ledbury Imaginings (from Flute Salad)
    建議樂譜出處:Oliver Ledbury: Flute Salad (Brass Wind)

  8. James Rae Breakaway or One-part Invention (No. 29 or No. 30 from 42 More Modern Studies for Solo Flute)
    建議樂譜出處:James Rae: 42 More Modern Studies for Solo Flute(Universal)

  9. Telemann Adagio–Vivace (2nd movt from Fantasia No. 11in G, TWV 40:12) starting from Vivace
    建議樂譜出處:Telemann: 12 Fantasias for Flute (Barenreiter or Henle)

  10. Allen Vizzutti Tango (from Dynamic Dances for Flute)
    建議樂譜出處:Allen Vizzutti: Dynamic Dances for Flute (De Haske)




( 二個八度)


三度音階:C大調 (從最低的主音的高八度開始)

以上調性 (小調包括旋律與和聲小調)

半音階: D、E、降B音開始 (二個八度)


屬七和絃:調性:G、A、降E (二個八度)

減七和絃: D和 E、降B開始 (二個八度)



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