A組 2. Duncombe Minuet in C (from First Book of Progressive Lessons) 3. Anon. English Agincourt Song, arr. Hammond 4. W. F. Bach Air in A minor 5. Haydn Quadrille 6. Turk A Lovely Day
2. Oesten The Echo (No. 14 from Mayflowers, Op. 61) 3. Swinstead The Lonely Road (No. 6 from Work and Play) 4. Bartok Quasi adagio (No. 3 from For Children, Vol. 1) 5. Andrew Eales Head in the Clouds 6. Andrew Lloyd Webber Close every door (from Joseph and the
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat), arr. Bullard C組 2. J. M. Last Who Said Mice? (from Cats) 3. Kevin Wooding The Egyptian Level 4. Heather Hammond In the Scrum (from Cool Piano Sport, Grade
1–2) 5. John Kember Gospel Song (No. 2
from On the Lighter Side:16 Pieces for Solo Piano) with straight
quavers;observing alternative ending 6. S. Wilson The Witch (No. 7 from Hansel & Gretel) |
four-bar piece in |
聽力測驗: 請參閱聽力測驗第一級 |
鋼琴 預備級 第一級 第二級 第三級 第四級 第五級 第六級 第七級 第八級
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