


此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)



三首考曲: 由下列A,B,C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分)


  1. J.S. Bach Prelude in A flat (from 48 Preludes and Fugues, Book 1).
    Bach for Trombone, arr. Mowat (Bass or treble clef editions: Brass Wind)
  2. Berlioz Recitative and Prayer (from 'Grande Symphonie Funere et Triomphale', Op.15)
    (Bass/treble clef edition: Brass Wind)
  3. Gluck Che faro senza Euridice (from 'Orfeo ed Euridice').
    The Baroque Trombone, arr. Wills (Faber)
  4. B. Marcello Sonata in G, arr. Brown: 1st and 2nd movts, Andante and Allegro
    (IMC 2203/M.D.S.)
  5. L. Mozart Serenade for Trombone, arr. Clack: 1st movt, Allegro
    (Tenor/treble clef edition: Winwood Music)
  6. Rimsky-Korsakov Trombone Concerto: 1st movt, Allegro vivace
    (Bass/treble clef edition: Brass Wind)


  1. Jacques Casterede Sonatine for Trombone: 2nd movt, Andante sostenuto
  2. James Curnow Fantasy for Trombone
    (Bass/treble clef edition: Winwood Music)
  3. Edward Gregson Divertimento for Trombone: 2nd and 3rd movts, Canzona and Scherzino
    (Bass/treble clef edition: Studio Music)
  4. Joseph Horovitz Adam-Blues
    (Novello/Music Sales)
  5. Jim Parker Dances with Bears.
    Jazzed Up Too for Trombone, arr. Parker (Bass or treble clef editions: Brass Wind)
  6. Simon Proctor Azure: from 'On Your Metal'
    (Bass or treble clef editions: Brass Wind)
  7. Robert Ramskill Ballad.
    From Vivaldi to Fats Waller for Trombone (Bass or treble clef editions: Brass Wind)


  1. Denis ApIvor 24 Exercises: no.1 (Allegro vivace)
    Bass or treble clef editions: Warwick Music)
  2. Derek Bourgeois Bone of Contention, Op.112: no 14, Moderato ritmico
    (Bass or treble clef editions: Brass Wind)
  3. Derek Bourgeois Fantasy Pieces for tenor trombone: no.4, Moderato cantabile
    (Bass or treble clef editions: Brass Wind)
  4. Christopher Mowat Unlocking the Tenor Clef: no.29 or no.30
    (Brass Wind)
  5. Jerome Naulais Etudes Variees de Virtuosite et de Technique, Vol.2 - 23 Etudes : no.22, Latin Funk
  6. Jerome Naulais Trombone Plaisir. Vol.3 - 18 Etudes: no.5, Medium Fast Swing

音階與琶音:from memory, to be played tongued, with legato tonguing and staccato in the following keys:

Bass clef: B, C, D flat, D, E flat majors; B, C, C sharp, D, E flat minors (a twelfth)
All other keys, major and minor (two octaves)
Treble Clef: D flat, D, E flat, E, F majors; C sharp, D, E flat, E, F minors (a twelfth)
All other keys, major and minor (two octaves)

Scales: in the above keys (minors in both melodic and harmonic forms)

Chromatic Scales: Bass clef: starting on any note E-B flat (two octaves)
Treble clef: Starting on any note F sharp-C (two octaves)

Arpeggios: the common chords of the above keys for the ranges indicated

Dominant Sevenths: Bass clef: in the keys of B and D flat (two octaves)
Treble clef: in the keys of D flat and E flat (two octaves)

Diminished Sevenths: Bass clef: starting on G and A (two octaves)
Treble clef: starting on A and B (two octaves)

視奏: (bass and tenor clef, or treble clef at candidate's choice): Click here for general regulations.



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