

此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)


下面樂曲使用期限為四年 (2020-2023),委員會只出版小提琴譜1-8 級部分選曲的各級合訂本。除了委員會出版的合訂本外,其它樂曲皆會註明發行的出版社以資參考(出版社名稱在樂曲名稱後以括弧註明)。
三首考曲: 由下列A,B,C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分)


  1. Sheila Nelson Fish Cakes and Apple Pie
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Initial Grade (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. Trad. American Old-Timer, arr. Huws Jones with repeat
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Initial Grade (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. G. Saint-George Giga (6th movt from L’ancien regime, Deuxieme petite suite, Op. 60)
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Initial Grade (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Katherine & Hugh Colledge Knickerbocker Glory (No. 10 from Waggon Wheels)
    建議樂譜出處:Katherine & Hugh Colledge: Waggon Wheels for Violin(建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)
  5. Cutter Little March, arr. K. & C. Sassmannshaus ending at b. 20 PF/VN
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Recital Album, Vol. 1 (建議出版商:Barenreiter)
  6. Stanley Fletcher Sweet Eyed Sue (No. 9 from New Tunes for Strings, Book 1) with repeat using bowing variation 1 PF/VN
    建議樂譜出處:Stanley Fletcher: New Tunes for Strings, Violin Book 1(建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)
  7. Trad. Big Ben, arr. Davey, Hussey & Sebba upper part PF/VN
    建議樂譜出處:Abracadabra Violin (Third Edition) (建議出版商:Collins Music)
  8. Trad. Secret Agents, arr. Davey, Hussey & Sebba upper part; with repeat PF/VN
    建議樂譜出處:Abracadabra Violin (Third Edition) (建議出版商:Collins Music)
  9. Trad. Go Tell Aunt Rhody, arr. Suzuki PF/VN
    建議樂譜出處:Suzuki Violin School, Vol. 1 (建議出版商:Alfred)
  10. Wohlfart Polka, arr. Nelson
    建議樂譜出處:Piece by Piece 1 for Violin (建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)


  1. Katherine & Hugh Colledge Waterfall (No. 9 from Waggon Wheels)
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Initial Grade (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. Thomas Gregory Silent Friends
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Initial Grade (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. Edward Huws Jones On the River
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Initial Grade (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Kathy & David Blackwell Chinese Garden PF/VN
    建議樂譜出處:Fiddle Time Joggers (建議出版商:OUP)
  5. Trad. American The Mocking Bird, arr. K. & D. Blackwell PF/VN
    建議樂譜出處:Fiddle Time Joggers (建議出版商:OUP)
  6. Thomas Gregory Footprints in the Snow
    建議樂譜出處:Vamoosh Violin, Book 1 (建議出版商:Vamoosh)
  7. JEdward Huws Jones Gone for Good (No. 12 from Ten O’Clock Rock)
    建議樂譜出處:Edward Huws Jones: Ten O’Clock Rock for Violin (建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)
  8. Sheila Nelson AI am a River
    建議樂譜出處:The Essential String Method, Violin Book 2 (建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)
  9. Sheila Nelson Over the Moon
    建議樂譜出處:Piece by Piece 1 for Violin (建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)
  10. Sheila Nelson Swingalong ‘E' version PF/VN
    建議樂譜出處:P. 16 from Tetratunes for Violin (建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)


  1. Kathy & David Blackwell In the Groove
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Initial Grade (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. Peter Martin Hop Scotch (No. 2 from Child’s Play)
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Initial Grade (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. Trad. Jamaican Hill and gully rider, arr. Bullard
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Initial Grade (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Kathy & David Blackwell Rhythm Fever PF/VN
    建議樂譜出處:Fiddle Time Joggers (建議出版商:OUP)
  5. Thomas Gregory Walk on Mars! slides optional; with DC, as in accomp.
    建議樂譜出處:Vamoosh Violin, Book 1 (建議出版商:Vamoosh)
  6. Anita Hewitt-Jones & Caroline Lumsden Have a Cup of Tea (from Bread and Butter Pudding)
    建議樂譜出處:Lumsden & Hewitt-Jones: Bread and Butter Pudding(建議出版商:Musicland)
  7. Edward Huws Jones Ten O’Clock Rock (No. 9 from Ten O’ClockRock)
    建議樂譜出處:Edward Huws Jones: Ten O’Clock Rock for Violin (建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)
  8. Caroline Lumsden & Pam Wedgwood Jungle Footprints (from Jackaroo) scream optional
    建議樂譜出處:Lumsden & Wedgwood: Jackaroo for Violin (建議出版商:Faber)
  9. Trad. German Pit a Pat Rain, arr. K. & C. Sassmannshaus PF/VN
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Recital Album, Vol. 1 (建議出版商:Barenreiter )
  10. Peter Wilson Bow Rock (No. 4 from Stringpops 1)
    建議樂譜出處:Wilson & Ranger: Stringpops 1 for Violin (建議出版商:Faber )
音階: 要背下列各調:
D,A大調 從開弓開始


E小調 從底部E開始
視奏: a four-bar piece in 4/4 ora six-bar piece in 2/4 , in 1st position (no use of G string). All notes separately bowed. Simple dynamics (mf), note value and rests .



小提琴  最初級  第一級  第二級  第三級  第四級  第五級  第六級  第七級  第八級 

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