

此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)


下面樂曲使用期限為四年 (2020-2023),委員會只出版小提琴譜1-8 級部分選曲的各級合訂本。除了委員會出版的合訂本外,其它樂曲皆會註明發行的出版社以資參考(出版社名稱在樂曲名稱後以括弧註明)。
三首考曲: 由下列A,B,C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分)


  1. Trad. English Portsmouth (from The Dancing Master), arr. Huws Jones
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Grade 4 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. Giuseppe Valentini Presto (2nd movt from Allettamenti per camera, Op. 8 No. 12), arr. Jones
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Grade 4 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. G. Saint-George Giga (6th movt from L’ancien regime, Deuxieme petite suite, Op. 60)
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Grade 4 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Anon. Italian Trotto, arr. Huws Jones
    建議樂譜出處:The Young Violinist’s Early Music Collection (建議出版商:Faber)
  5. Beethoven Menuetto (from Serenade No. 1 in D, Op. 8), arr. Nagy
    建議樂譜出處:Introduction to the Great Composers (建議出版商:Barenreiter)
  6. Weber Allegramente (from Rondo, Op. 3 No. 6), arr. Nagy
    建議樂譜出處:Introduction to the Great Composers (建議出版商:Barenreiter)
  7. Handel Rondeau (from Sonata in E minor, Op. 5 No. 3), arr. Forbes
    建議樂譜出處:First Violin, Book 3 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  8. L. Mozart Presto (3rd movt from Symphony in G), arr. Wade
    建議樂譜出處:The Young Symphonist, Vol. 2 (建議出版商:Spartan Press)
  9. Purcell Rondeau (from Abdelazar), arr. Cohen
    建議樂譜出處1:Encore Violin, Book 2 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
    建議樂譜出處2:The Best of Grade 4 Violin (建議出版商:Faber)
  10. N. Sokolovsky Menuett
    建議樂譜出處:Small Concert Pieces, Vol. 1 (建議出版商:Editio Musica Budapest)


  1. Bart Where is love? (from Oliver!), arr. Iles
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Grade 4 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. C. Dancla Romance (No. 8 from Petite ecole de la melodie, Op. 123, Book 2)
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Grade 4 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. Grieg Solveigs sang (from Peer Gynt, Suite No. 2, Op. 55), arr. Blackwell
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Grade 4 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Y. Bowen Melody
    建議樂譜出處:First Violin, Book 3 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  5. Bridge Spring Song (No. 2 from Four Short Pieces, H. 104)
    建議樂譜出處: Bridge: Spring Song and Lullaby (建議出版商:Stainer & Bell)
  6. Carse Chant de l’escarpolette
    建議樂譜出處:Classic Carse, Book 2 (建議出版商:Stainer & Bell)
  7. J. P. E. Martini Plaisir d’amour, arr. Danbe
    建議樂譜出處:J. P. E. Martini: Plaisir d’amour (建議出版商:Schott)
  8. Martinu Andante (No. 3 from Four Intermezzos, H. 261)
    建議樂譜出處:Martinu: Intermezzo (建議出版商:Barenreiter Praha)
  9. Mendelssohn Andante con moto (2nd movt from Symphony No. 4, ‘The Italian’, Op. 90), arr. Wade
    建議樂譜出處:The Young Symphonist, Vol. 2 (建議出版商:Spartan Press)
  10. Trad. Breton Lament, arr. Huws Jones violin melody
    建議樂譜出處:The French Fiddler (建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)


  1. C. Bohm Petite rhapsodie hongroise (No. 12 from Novelletten), adapted K. & D. Blackwell with repeat of bb. 46–49
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Grade 4 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  2. Farres Quizas, quizas, quizas, arr. Huws Jones
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Grade 4 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  3. Pam Wedgwood Sometime Maybe (No. 8 from Jazzin’ About)
    建議樂譜出處:Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023, Grade 4 (建議出版商:ABRSM)
  4. Gebirtig Avreml der Marvikher, arr. Rowlands
    建議樂譜出處:Klezmer Fiddle Tunes (建議出版商:Schott)
  5. Hadjiev Rondino, arr. de Keyser & Waterman
    建議樂譜出處:The Best of Grade 4 Violin (建議出版商:Faber)
  6. Kabalevsky The Clowns, arr. de Keyser & Waterman
    建議樂譜出處:The Best of Grade 4 Violin (建議出版商:Faber)
  7. D. Obijalska & M. Wawruk Gadabout Cat (from Fiddling Notes)
    建議樂譜出處:Obijalska & Wawruk: Fiddling Notes (建議出版商:PWM)
  8. G. M. Rodriguez La cumparsita, arr. Huws Jones violin melody
    建議樂譜出處1:The Fiddler Playalong Violin Collection 2 (建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)
    建議樂譜出處2:The Tango Fiddler (建議出版商:Boosey & Hawkes)
  9. J. S. Skinner MacPherson’s Blade
    建議樂譜出處:Alastair Hardie’s Compliments to ‘The King’ (建議出版商:Hardie Press)
  10. Trad. Russian Chubchik, arr. Stephen with final repeat SOLO
    建議樂譜出處:Russian Fiddle Tunes (建議出版商:Schott
音階與琶音: 要背下列各調:
降A, B, C, E大調; G, B, C小調

分弓 和 連弓


降A, B, C, E大調; G, B, C小調
分弓 和 連弓

C 和 D調

從A 和 E開始
分弓 和 連弓
視奏: a piece of around eight bars in length, time and key signatures as Grade 3, with the addition of and Eb major. Shifts between 1st and 3rd positions may be encountered. Occasional chromatic notes. Anacrusis, hooked bowing, accents and pause signs may be included. See also p.7.



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