


此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)


三首考曲: 由下列A,B,C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分)


  1. Victor Brightmore Sad Story, from 'Three Easy Solos for Horn'
    (F edition: Emerson)
  2. Dvorak Theme (from 'New World' Symphony)
    Easy Winners for Tenor Horn, arr. Lawrance (Brass Wind: piano accomp. published separately)
  3. Joplin Easy Winners
    Easy Winners for Tenor Horn, arr. Lawrance (Brass Wind: piano accomp. published separately)
  4. Edward Gregson Lullaby.
    No.5 from Nine Miniatures for E flat Hornby Gregson and Ridgeon (Brass Wind)
  5. Schubert The Trout.
    No.3 from Going Solo - Tenor Horn, arr. Wallace and Pearson (Faber)
  6. Bram Wiggins Davy Jones' Hornpipe (omitting bars 26-42) or Gordon's Gigue (omitting bars 20-38): no.3 or no.8 from 'The Tenor Horn Player's Debut'
    (Studio Music)
  1. Alan Bullard Tightrope Walker or Sentimental Serenade: no.4 or no.5 from 'Circus Skills' for Horn
    (E flat/F edition: Spartan Press SP 641)
  2. Mark Goddard Swingin': no.1 from 'Party Pieces' for E flat Horn
    (Spartan Press SP 165)
  3. Ronald Hanmer Suite for Horn: 1st movt, Prelude
    (F edition: Emerson)
  4. Paul Harris Cavatina: no.2 from '5 Bagatelles'
    (E flat/F edition: Associated Board)
  5. Ifor James Reflections.
    No.4 from Horn Solos, Vol.1, arr. James and de Haan (E flat/F edition: Chester/Music Sales)
  6. Peter Lawrance Waits and Measures: no.1 from '6 Modern Pieces for E flat Horn'
    (Brass Wind)
  7. Henry Mancini Pink Panther
    All Jazzed Up for E flat Horn, arr. Wilson-Smith (Brass Wind)
  8. Maceo Pinkard, Ken Carsey and Ben Bernie Sweet Georgia Brown
    All Jazzed Up for E flat Horn, arr. Wilson-Smith (Brass Wind)


  1. Deborah Calland Wistful Waltz, from 'Top Brass'
    (Stainer & Bell)
  2. Endresen Supplementary Studies for Cornet or Trumpet: no.5 or no.12
    (Rubank/Studio Music)
  3. Alwyn Green Tenor Horn Eurhythmics: Study no.1, P.27
    (Warwick Music)
  4. Edward Gregson Folk Song or Fanfare: no.17 or no.19 from '20 Supplementary Tunes for Beginner Brass'
    (Treble clef edition: Brass Wind)
  5. Sigmund Hering 40 Progressive Etudes for Trumpet or Cornet: no.6 or no.7
    (Carl Fischer/M.D.S.)
  6. John Miller Rubic Rumba or The Easy Easy Winners: no.27 or no.31 from 'Simple Studies for Beginner Brass'
  7. Mark Nightingale Ermie's Blue or Skipping: no.10 or no.11 from 'Easy Jazzy 'Tudes'
    (Treble clef brass edition: Warwick Music)

音階與琶音:from memory, to be played both slurred and tongued in the following keys:

E flat, E majors; C, E minors (one octave)
A major (a twelfth)

Scales: in the above keys (minors in melodic or harmonic form at candidate's choice)

Chromatic Scale: starting on C (one octave)

Arpeggios: the common chords of the above keys for the ranges indicated

視奏:a short piece in simple time within the keys, notes and overall range of the scale requirements set up to and including this Grade. Click here for general regulations.



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