報考資格:須通過第五級以上樂理或實用音樂素養 三首考曲: 由下列A,B,C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分) A 組
B 組
音階與琶音:from memory, to be played slurred, legato-tongued and
staccato in the following keys: D flat, D, E flat, E, F majors; C
sharp, D, E flat, E, F minors (a twelfth) Scales: in the above keys (minors
in both melodic and harmonic forms) Chromatic Scales: starting on any note F sharp-C (two octaves) Whole-Tone Scales: starting on B and C (two octaves), as example given below:
Arpeggios: the common chords of the above keys for the ranges
indicated Dominant Sevenths: in the keys of B, C, D flat, D, E flat, E and F (two
octaves) Diminished Sevenths: starting on A flat, A and B flat (two octaves) |
視奏:Click here for
general regulations. |
聽力測驗 請參閱聽力測驗第八級 |
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