報考資格:須通過第五級以上樂理或實用音樂素養 三首考曲: 由下列A,B,C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分) *每首樂曲最前面的黑體字是作曲家姓名, 之後的正體字是樂曲名稱或編號, 再之後的斜體字是樂譜名稱, 括弧中的斜體字是出版社名稱. A 組 2. J. S. Bach Menuet I and Menuet II (from Suite No. 2 in
A minor, BWV 1008), arr. Wright 3. Dowland Fortune My Foe, trans. Jeffery 4.Dowland Galliard, arr. Scheit 5. Mudarra Fantasia que contrahaze la harpa en la manera
de Luduvico, trans. Pujol F# tuning optional 6. Narvaez PDiferencias sobre ‘Guardame las vacas’, trans.
Pujol F# tuning optional 7. G. Sanz Pavanas, trans. Burley 8. D. Scarlatti Sonata in A, Kp. 208, L. 238, arr. Batchelar
& Wright 9.Seixas Sonata No. 5 in D, trans. Burley 10.Visee Gigue (from Suite in D minor), arr. Scheit
observing repeats
2. Carulli Larghetto, Op. 124 No. 23 3. N. Coste Pas redouble (No. 13 from Recreation du guitariste,
Op. 51) 4. Diabelli Andante sostenuto (2nd movt from Sonata No.
3 in F) 5. J. Ferrer Belle, Op. 24 6. J. Ferrer Vals (from Coleccion
de valses) 7. M. Giuliani La melanconia (No. 7 from Giulianate,
Op. 148) 8. Matiegka Menuett and Trio 9.Sor Andante allegro (No. 9 from 12 etudes, Op. 6) 10. Tarrega Pavana
2. Leo Brouwer Un dia de noviembre 3. Gangi Study No. 9 4. Gerald Garcia Etude No. 4 (from 25 etudes esquisses) 5. Marek Pasieczny Kolysanka (from Ten Sketches for Guitar)
observing repeat 6. Pernambuco Sons de carilhoes (version 2) 7. Piazzolla Milonga (from Famille d’artistes), arr.
Ryan 8. M. Ponce Prelude in B 9. Gary Ryan Golden Days (No. 4 from Scenes for Guitar,
Book 2) 10. Villa-Lobos Prelude No. 3 in A minor (from Cinq Preludes)
omitting DS |
視奏: 請參閱委員會出版的吉他視奏6-8級範例。 |
聽力測驗: 請參閱聽力測驗第七級 |
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