音階與琶音: 背奏下列各調: F大調; 升F 旋律小調 (較低的八度用thumb[拇指].較高的八度用finger[手指];tirando;長主音;兩個八度) 半音階: 從G開始 (二個八度;較低的八度用thumb[拇指].較高的八度用finger[手指];tirando)
音程音階:G大調.十個 (一起或分開 A小調和弦.六個(一起或分開 分解音階: C大調 (一個八度;with over-ringing];tirando)
琶音:E.降B大調( B.升F小調(
三首考曲: 由下列A,B,C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分) *每首樂曲最前面的黑體字是作曲家姓名, 之後的正體字是樂曲名稱或編號, 再之後的灰體字是樂譜名稱, 括弧中的斜體字是出版社名稱。 A組 1.Handel Sonata for a Musical Clock, HWV 598,arr. Wright.
2.Trad. Spiritual
Down to the River to Pray, arr. Mermikides glissandi optional 3.attrib. el Sabio Cantiga (No. 166
from Cantigas de Santa Maria), arr. Goss 4.Anon. Allemande in A minor,
arr. Scheit 5. 6.J. S. Bach Gavotte (6th movt
from Suite No. 6 in D, BWV 1012), arr. Wright observing
repeat 7.Jelinek Bourree, arr. Wright 8.Purcell Rondeau (from Abdelazar),
arr. Wright 9.Rameau Tambourin (from Pieces
de clavecin), arr. Yates 10.attrib. T. Smythy Galliard, arr. Dodds B 組 1.N. Paganini Allegretto (from Sonata in F, M.S. 84 No. 6) 2.Smetana Vltava (from Ma vlast), arr. Ryan 3.N. Coste Rondeau (No. 6 from Recreation du guitariste,
Op. 51), arr. Wright 4.Carcassi Carcassi Pastorale (No. 16 from 24 petites
pieces, Op. 21) 5.Granados Vals poetico No. 1, arr. Batchelar & Wright 6. Horetzky Andantino in A minor 7.Mertz Romance (Adagio) (No. 9 from Schule fur die Guitare) 8.J. Ferrer Vals in E minor (No. 11 from Coleccion 3a
de ejercicios) 9.Shand Valse in G (from Improved Method for the Guitar,
Op. 100) 10.Sor Petite piece in D (No. 14 from 24 petites pieces
progressives, Op. 44) C 組 1.Panteleimon Michaeloudis Nightfall 2.Peter Wrieden Stomping the Blues (No. 6 from Nine Ladies
Dancing) 3.C. Porter Anything Goes (from Anything Goes), arr.
James 4.Leo Brouwer Etude No. 8 (from Etudes simples) 5.David Cottam Amontillado 6. Colin Downs I Spy 7.Miroslaw Drozdzowskirstein Milonga at Sunset (No. 11 from
All Year Round 8.Vincen tLindsey-Clark Steely Blue (from Simply Swing) 9.Trad.Argentinian Bailecito, arr. Rivoal 10.Stanley Yates E-Jam Blues |
視奏: 一首A大調單拍子小曲和包含一些單純的和絃。 請參閱委員會出版的吉他視奏1-5級範例。 |
聽力測驗: 請參閱聽力測驗第四級 |
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