2022年起 長笛第六級考試內容與規則
報考資格:須通過第五級以上樂理或實用音樂素養 三首考曲:由下列A、B、C三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分) A 組
建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces from 2022, Grade 6 (ABRSM) 2. Godard Allegretto
(No. 1 from Suite de trois morceaux,Op. 116) 3. Telemann Cantabile
and Allegro (1st and 2nd movts from Sonata in C, TWV 41:C2) 4. J. S. Bach Polonaise
and Double (5th movt from Suite in B minor, BWV 1067) 5. A. Bon Allegro
(3rd movt from Sonata No. 2, Op. 1) 6. Cavallini Theme
and Variation SOLO 7. Drouet Allegro
moderato (1st movt from Sonata No. 2 in A minor) 8. attrib. Gossec Tambourin 9. Handel Allegro
(2nd movt from Sonata in C, HWV 365, Op. 1 No. 7) 10. Vivaldi Allegro
(1st movt from Concerto in D, RV 783) flute
to play in tuttis
建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces from 2022, Grade 6 (ABRSM) 2. Mel Bonis Une
flute soupire 3. Jacob On a
Summer Evening 4. Gaubert Sicilienne 5. Geraldine Green Nocturne 6. Harbach &
Kern Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (from Roberta), arr. Iveson 7. John McLeod Berceuse
(No. 2 from Le Tombeau de Poulenc) 8. Rabboni(&
Vignoles) Sonata No. 8 in C 9. John Rutter Prelude
(1st movt from Suite antique) 10. Andy Scott And
Everything is Still…
建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces from 2022, Grade 6 (ABRSM) 2. Billy Mayerl Bats
in the Belfry, arr. Adams 3. Kwabena Nketia Movement
1 (from Republic Suite) 4. Alan Bullard Comical
Flute (No. 35 from Fifty for Flute, Book 2) SOLO 5. Dring Polka 6. Paul Harris With
a Hint of Lime 7. Bryan Kelly Prelude
francais with repeat 8. Oliver Ledbury Imaginings
(from Flute Salad) SOLO 9. Jim Parker Whistling
Blues 10. Russell Stokes Con
brio (No. 6 from Jazz Singles) SOLO |
降D/升C、D、E、F、降B大調和小調(小調包括旋律與和聲小調) ( 二個八度)
三度音階:C大調 (從最低的主音的高八度開始)
半音階:由 D、E、降B音開始 (二個八度)
屬七和絃:調性:G、A、降E (二個八度)
減七和絃:由 D和 E、降B開始 (二個八度) |
視奏:請參閱委員會出版的長笛視奏6-8級範例。 |
聽力測驗 請參閱 聽力測驗第六級 |
長笛 最初級 第一級 第二級 第三級 第四級 第五級 第六級 第七級 第八級
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