2022年起 長笛第八級考試內容與規則
報考資格:須通過第五級以上樂理或實用音樂素養 三首考曲:由下列A、B、C三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分) A 組
建議樂譜出處1:Baroque Flute Pieces, Book 5 (ABRSM) 建議樂譜出處2:J. S. Bach: Four Sonatas for Flute (Barenreiter) 建議樂譜出處3:The Chester Flute Anthology (Chester) 2. Devienne Allegro
(1st movt from Sonata in E minor, Op. 58 No. 1) 3. Hindemith Sehr
lebhaft (incl. Marsch) (3rd movt from Sonata for Flute) 4.E. Kohler Study
in D minor SOLO 5. Mozart,llegro
(1st movt from Quartet No. 1 in D, K. 285) 6. Quantz Presto,
ma fiero (1st movt from Sonata No. 273 in G) 7. Rava Allegro
(1st movt from Concerto in D) flute
playing tuttis 8. Rossini Andante
and Polonaise 9. C. Stamitz Allegro
(1st movt from Concerto in G, Op. 29) 10. Telemann Fantasia
No. 12 in G minor, TWV 40:13 complete
建議樂譜出處:Y. Bowen: Flute Sonata, Op. 120 (Emerson) 2. E. Burton Allegretto
grazioso (1st movt from Sonatina) 3. Ian Clarke Hypnosis 4.F. Doppler Berceuse,
Op. 15 5. Enesco Cantabile
(Andante ma non troppo) (from Cantabile et Presto) 6. Mouquet Pan
et les Oiseaux (2nd movt from Sonata La Flute de Pan , Op.
15) 7. Poulenc Allegretto
malincolico (1st movt from Sonata for Flute) 8. Rhene-Baton Passacaille,
Op. 35 9. A. Roussel Pan
(No. 1 from Joueurs de flute, Op. 27) 10. Widor Romance
(3rd movt from Suite, Op. 34)
建議樂譜出處:No. 75 from More Graded Studies for Flute, Book 2 (Faber) 2. Albeniz Sevilla,
arr. Hedges with 8va in bb. 104–108 3. Roma Cafolla Gigue
(5th movt from Suite de Danses) 4. Chopin Waltz
in B minor, Op. 69 No. 2, trans. Zanke 5. Reena Esmail Chardonnay
flutter-tonguing optional
SOLO 6. Jonathan FeBland Rondo
(No. 3 from Three Miniatures) 7. Furstenau Valse
de Schubert ‘Beethovens Sehnsuchts-Walzer’, Op. 71 No. 1 SOLO 8. R. Galli Divertimento:
Una follia a Roma, di F. Ricci, Op. 260 starting
at b. 89 9. Muczynski Preludes
Nos 2 and 3 (from Three Preludes for Unaccompanied
Flute, Op. 18) SOLO 10. John Rutter Aria
and Waltz (3rd and 4th movts from Suite antique) |
音階:降E ,E ,升F,降A / 升G 大調與小調 (二個八度)
半音階:由C音開始 (三個八度)和由降E,E,升F,降A音開始 (二個八度)
屬七和絃:調性:F (三個八度),和全部的調性 (二個八度)
(三個八度),和任何一音開始 (二個八度) |
視奏:請參閱委員會出版的長笛視奏6-8級範例。 |
聽力測驗 請參閱 聽力測驗第八級 |
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