2022年起 長笛第七級考試內容與規則
報考資格:須通過第五級以上樂理或實用音樂素養 三首考曲:由下列A、B、C三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分) A 組
建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces from 2022, Grade 7 (ABRSM) 2. Diabelli Moderato
(from Cavatina from Rossini’s The Barber of Seville) ornaments
in bb. 31, 56, 81, 82 optional 3. E. Kohler Insects’
Dance (No. 19 from 25 romantische Etuden, Op. 66) SOLO 4. attrib. C. P.
E. Bach Allegro (1st movt from Sonata in G minor, BWV
1020) 5. Berbiguier Allegro
in D minor (from Nouvelle methode pour la flute) SOLO 6. Finger Sonata
No. 3 in Bb complete 7. Popp Nightingale
Serenade, Op. 447 8. Quantz Allegro
(1st movt from Sonata No. 272 in F) 9. John Rutter Ostinato
(2nd movt from Suite antique) 10. Telemann Fantasia
No. 1 in A, TWV 40:2 complete SOLO
建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces from 2022, Grade 7 (ABRSM) 2. Adrian Connell Monody
for a Lost Faun SOLO 3. Donjon Offertoire,
Op. 12 4. Faure Andantino
(from Fantaisie, Op. 79) 5. German Intermezzo 6. Koechlin Lento
(from Sonata for Solo Flute, Op. 184 No. 2) harmonics
optional 7. Poulenc Cantilena
(2nd movt from Sonata for Flute) 8. Prill Study
in D minor SOLO 9. Andy Scott Respectfully
Your 10. W. G. Still Summerland
omit bb. 31-34; upper line only bb. 49–59;
final 3 notes 8va
建議樂譜出處:Flute Exam Pieces from 2022, Grade 7 (ABRSM) 2. A. Hedges Tumbling
Bay (No. 3 from West Oxford Walks, Op. 143c) 3. Taffanel Allegretto
grazioso and Allegretto scherzando 4. R. R. Bennett Games
(No. 3 from Summer Music) 5. L. Bernstein Mambo
(from West Side Story), arr. Parman flutter
tonguing optional 6. Mel Bonis Scherzo
(2nd movt from Sonata for Flute and Piano) 7. Jeremy Norris La
Parisienne (No. 3 from Jazz Suite) 8. Christopher Norton Drunken
Sailor (from The Christopher Norton Concert Collection for Flute)
flutter tonguing optional 9. Racine Moderato
(1st movt from V-Jazz Sonata for Flute) 10. Youmans &
Caesar Tea for Two (from No, No, Nanette), arr. Iveson |
增廣音域音階:F 大調 (範例連結)
: D 大調 (二個八度) 半音階:由升C,G,A和B 開始 (二個八度)
屬七和絃:調性:升F、C、D、C、和E (二個八度)
,G, A和B開始 (二個八度)
視奏:請參閱委員會出版的長笛視奏6-8級範例。 |
聽力測驗 請參閱 聽力測驗第七級 |
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