*每首樂曲最前面的黑體字是作曲家姓名, 之後的正體字是樂曲名稱或編號, 再之後的斜體字是樂譜名稱, 出處括弧中的斜體字是書籍的出版社名稱。 A 組 2. Kabalevsky Etude in A minor (No. 3 from 30 Children’s
Pieces, Op. 27) 3. Schubert Minuet and Trio, D. 41 No. 21 4. Alcock Gavot (3rd movt from Suite No. 2 in Bb) 5. Beethoven Allegro assai (1st movt from Sonatina in
F, Anh. 5 No. 2) 6. Buxtehude Saraband (from Suite in E minor, BuxWV
236) 7. Dring Scherzando (from 12 Pieces in the Form of Studies) 8. Gurlitt Allegretto scherzando (3rd movt from Sonatina
in C, Op. 188 No. 4) 9.Haydn Allegro scherzando in F 10. S. Heller Study in A minor, Op. 45 No. 2
2. Bridge Miniature Pastoral (No. 2 from Three Miniature
Pastorals, Set 1) 3. Schumann Erster Verlust (No. 16 from Album fur die
Jugend, Op. 68) 4. C. P. E. Bach Andante (arr.) 5. W. Carroll Sunrise (No. 7 from River and Rainbow) 6. Granados Dedicatoria (No. 1 from Cuentos de las juventud,
Op. 1) 7. Khachaturian A Little Song (Andantino) (No. 1 from Pictures
of Childhood) 8. Liszt La cloche sonne, S. 238 9.Mendelssohn Andante (2nd movt from Violin Concerto
in E minor, Op. 64), arr. Scott-Burt 10. Vaughan Williams Valse lente (from Six Teaching Pieces) 2. Ben Crosland I Hear What You Say (No. 4 from Cool
Beans!, Vol. 1) 3. Sam Wedgwood Shark Soup (from Sam Wedgwood’s Project,
Book 2) 4. Maikapar At the Smithy, Op. 8 No. 5 5. Alison Mathews Buried Rubies (No. 8 from Treasure
Trove) 6. Martha Mier Worrisome Blues (from Jazz, Rags &
Blues, Book 3) 7. Arvo Part Fur Anna Maria frolich or nachdenklich 8. Prokofiev Marche (No. 10 from Musiques d'enfants,
Op. 65) 9. V. Stoyanov Bulgarian Peasant Dance 10. Trad. Shenandoah, arr. Bennett
視奏: a piece of around eight bars in length, time and key signatures as Grade 3, with the addition of |
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