三首考曲: 由下列A、B、C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分) *每首樂曲最前面的黑體字是作曲家姓名, 之後的正體字是樂曲名稱或編號, 再之後的斜體字是樂譜名稱, 出處括弧中的斜體字是書籍的出版社名稱。
02. Haydn Allegro moderato (1st movt from Sonata in Ab,
Hob. XVI:46) 03. C. Schumann Prelude and Fugue in Bb (No. 2 from Three
Preludes and Fugues, Op. 16) 04. J. S. Bach Prelude and Fugue in G, BWV 884 05. Beethoven Allegro (1st movt from Sonata in E,
Op. 14 No. 1) 06. Handel Prelude and Allegro (Fuga) (1st and 2nd movts
from Suite No. 8 in F minor, HWV 433) 07. Martinez Allegro/Moderato (1st movt from Sonata
[No. 3] in A) 08. Mozart Andante grazioso and Vars. 1–6 (1st movt from
Sonata in A, K. 331) 09. Rameau Les cyclopes (from Pieces de clavecin) 10. D. Scarlatti Sonata in D, Kp. 443, L. 418 B 組 02. Hopekirk Air (No. 3 from Suite) 03. Poulenc Novelette in E minor, sur un theme de Manuel
de Falla 04. Arensky Arensky Nocturne in Db (No. 3 from 24 Characteristic
Pieces, Op. 36) 05. Chopin Mazurka in A minor, Op. 17 No. 4 06. Ireland Columbine 07. Janacaek Andante (No. 1 from In the Mists) 08. Rachmaninoff Moment Musical in Db, Op. 16 No. 5 09. Schubert Impromptu in Ab (No. 2 from Four Impromptus,
Op. 142, D. 935) 10.Schumann Romanze in F# (No. 2 from Drei Romanzen,
Op. 28) C 組 02. Christopher Norton Jingo (No. 3 from Rock Preludes
1) 03. Sculthorpe Snow, Moon and Flowers (from Night Pieces) 04. Chaminade Pierette (Air de Ballet), Op. 41 05. Chen Peixun Thunder in Drought Season 06. Debussy Reverie 07. Khachaturian Toccata 08. Uwe Korn Caballos Espanoles 09. Cecilia McDowall Vespers in Venice (from Four Piano
Solos) 10. Villa-Lobos O polichinelo (from A prole do bebe
視奏: a piece of around a page in length, time and key signatures as Grade 7, with the addition of |
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