三首考曲: 由下列A、B、C,三組中各選一首(選錯曲可能不計分) *每首樂曲最前面的黑體字是作曲家姓名, 之後的正體字是樂曲名稱或編號, 再之後的斜體字是樂譜名稱, 出處括弧中的斜體字是書籍的出版社名稱。 A 組 2. Beethoven Beethoven Bagatelle in E- (No. 1 from Seven
Bagatelles, Op. 33) 3. Telemann Vivace (1st movt from Fantasia in G minor, TWV
33:8) 4. C. P. E. Bach Allegro assai (1st movt from Sonata
in G, H. 119, Wq. 62/19) 5. Haydn Moderato (1st movt from Sonata in E, Hob.
XVI:31) 6. Kuhlau Allegro con spirito (1st movt from Sonatina
in A, Op. 60 No. 2) 7. Mozart Gigue in G, K. 574 8. Paradies Allegro (2nd movt from Sonata No. 6 in A) 9.Rameau Les sauvages (from Pieces de clavecin) 10. D. Scarlatti Sonata in A, Kp. 208, L. 238 B 組 2. Grieg Sarabande (2nd movt from Holberg Suite,
Op. 40) 3. Ni Hongjin Cradle Song (No. 3 from Suite of the Zhuang
People's Village) 4. Alan Bullard Prelude No. 9 (from 12 or 13 Preludes
for Piano Solo, Set One) 5. Hensel Melodie, Op. 4 No. 2 6. Liszt Consolation No. 5 in E (from Consolations,
S. 172) 7. Lyadov Mazurka in F minor (No. 3 from Trois morceaux,
Op. 57) 8. Mendelssohn Song without Words, Op. 19 No. 1 9. A. Richardson Lento moderato (2nd movt from Sonatina
in F, Op. 27) 10. Schumann Kind im Einschlummern (No. 12 from Kinderscenen,
Op. 15)
2. Ibert Le petit ane blanc (No. 2 from Histoires) 3. Rhian Samuel The Therapy of Moonlight (No. 1 from A
Garland for Anne) 4. Bartok Bagpipers: Allegretto (1st movt from Sonatina) 5. Chen Yi Bamboo Dance II 6. Ginastera Tribute to Roberto Garcia Morillo (No. 6 from
12 American Preludes, Op. 12) 7. Grovlez Chanson du chasseur (No. 4 from L'Almanach
aux images) 8. Kern Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (from Roberta),
arr. Evans 9. Florentine Mulsant Prelude No. 14 (from 24 Preludes
pour piano, Op. 38) 10. Christopher Norton Pop Bossa (No. 5 from Latin Preludes
2) |
視奏: a piece of around sixteen to twenty bars in length, time and key signatures as Grade 6, with the addition of |
聽力測驗: 請參閱聽力測驗第七級 |
鋼琴 預備級 最初級 第一級 第二級 第三級 第四級 第五級 第六級 第七級 第八級
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